Monday 25 May 2009

AtticManTrader - has he stopped trading?

It would appear that activity in the Attic has dwindled to a standstill!

No blog posts since 10th May and no trades since the 5th May!

There are two reasons for this lull in activity.
1) After a period of relative success, I find I subconsciously protect my account by reducing my trading activity - I call this Subconscious Profit Protection
2) I've been refining my strategy

Let me go into more detail.
Reason #1 - Subconscious Profit Protection
This is not the first time that I have ceased to trade after a period of relative success. It seems to be a defense mechanism that is built into my subconscious. I need to work on this, because I do not want to stop trading after successes, what I want to do is protect profits whilst continuing to work the account. At least I've identified this personality trait. How I deal with it is the next step.

Answers on postcard....

Reason #2 - Strategy Refinement
I've acknowledged elsewhere on this blog, that my method of stock selection needs improvement. I've never had a trading strategy that allows me to auto scan 100's of stocks in order to find a pattern that then provides me with a short-list of stocks to analyse further. I've been addressing this - and recently purchased a license for a product called AmiBroker. So far, I've been mightily impressed with its functionality. I've been working on developing code to auto-scan a list of FTSE companies in order to provide a short-list of stocks that I can investigate further. I'm progressing well, but I have to say, that my coding skills are somewhat rusty and it is taking a little more time than I'd planned. I hope to start trading with the system in the next week or so.
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